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Discover the proven, patented solution for light pole replacement chosen by more 4G/5G network decision makers today.

The Problem

A multitude of obstacles and legacy thinking stand in the way of efficiently implementing the 4G/5G network in environments ranging from urban centers and bustling campuses to small towns and neighborhoods.  Chief among these challenges is replacing light poles - critical infrastructure that does more than illuminate streetscapes and sidewalks.  Because of zoning and regulatory leniency, light poles are also prime real estate for locating 4G/5G nodes, doing the heavy lifting for network densification.

​But replacing a light pole isn't simple; because pole foundations aren't designed to structurally support the added load of 4G/5G nodes they need to be replaced from the ground up to meet entirely new engineering standards.  Current approaches to light pole replacement are antiquated, relying on concrete and inefficient processes.  These costly and time-consuming methods leave budgets in the red and cities in the dark for weeks.  These dated approaches require extensive excavations, re-routing of utilities, traffic disruptions, and alter the streetscape.  It's a four-way stop stuck in park.  What could be a win-win for Carriers/CLECS and communities quickly becomes a lose-lose.

The Solution

Turns out, uprooting the industry's reliance on legacy processes to upgrade light poles can happen overnight.  Our patented Helical Anchor Foundation System is redefining the network deployment value chain, expediting light pole replacement from multiple weeks to less than two days.  By taking concrete out of the mix, the system fast-forwards the regulatory process and eliminates the need for costly geotechnical investigation.  It keeps the lights on, the thoroughfares open, and the poles up - preserving the original streetscape aesthetic while reducing cost by 40%.

As the fastest, least obtrusive way to deploy 4G/5G networks available on the market, the Helicore system is a no-brainer for decision makers.  More than a disruptive, forward-thinking force that's accelerating network deployment and densification, Helicore is laying the foundation for tomorrow's 4G/5G cities. 

Disrupt the 4G/5G Status Quo

The future is here.  Are you ready to leave legacy approaches to network deployment behind?  Contact us today to learn more.

© All Rights Reserved Helicore LLC 2022

U.S. Patent No. 10,781,602 | Canada Patent No. 3,124,025 | Europe Patent No. EP 3,906,346 | Mexico Patent No. 402594 | Indonesia Patent IDP000094310

Japan Patent No. 7289580 | South Africa Patent No. 2022/09431 | Israel Patent No. 295565 | Saudi Arabia Patent No. 14786

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